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Windsor, Ontario

Crissi Cochrane combines the heart of an East Coast singer-songwriter with the soul of Windsor/Detroit, living and writing just a stone's throw away from the birthplace of Motown.

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Crissi Cochrane is a pop/soul singer-songwriter from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Silky vocals reminiscent of Billie Holiday and Norah Jones glow atop the purr of her Fender Jaguar electric guitar.


Crissi Cochrane's sultry, soulful music is an original blend that honours her East Coast singer-songwriter roots and her abiding love of jazz, retro pop, and classic soul.

Recording and performing artist Crissi Cochrane has earned her reputation as an independent musician to follow, beloved for her silky, velveteen vocals, expert songwriting, and fierce musicianship. 

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The official music video for the stripped down version of “Just Friends” from Crissi Cochrane’s pop/soul album HEIRLOOM. Filmed by Ken Amlin at Wagner Orchards.








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