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Windsor, Ontario

Crissi Cochrane combines the heart of an East Coast singer-songwriter with the soul of Windsor/Detroit, living and writing just a stone's throw away from the birthplace of Motown.

2017.09 Elyse's Wedding.JPG


The latest upcoming show listings of Windsor, Ontario's pop/soul singer-songwriter, Crissi Cochrane.



Thursday, April 3, 2025
Crissi at Salute Resto + Bar
1745 Sprucewood Ave., LaSalle, ON

Unwind at this cozy and classy resto bar in LaSalle, with live music provided by Crissi Cochrane.

Salute Resto + Bar on Facebook



Thursday, April 24, 2025
Crissi at Salute Resto + Bar
1745 Sprucewood Ave., LaSalle, ON

Unwind at this cozy and classy resto bar in LaSalle, with live music provided by Crissi Cochrane.

Salute Resto + Bar on Facebook



See past gigs here.

To receive notices when I'm playing in your area, join the mailing list.

For all bookings, please get in touch.