Special Offer Launch: CC Pins on Patreon!
Crissi Cochrane
Hey everybody! I'm thrilled that today is the launch of my first-ever special offer on Patreon!

As current patrons already know - and thanks to you for voting to help me decide on what to offer! - I’ve made a custom batch of these super cute, wearable acrylic pins, featuring my pet orange canary, Mr. Moo! He was a sad, sickly thing when we got him, and we were told that he doesn’t sing. With lots of love and comfort, he turned into a beautiful orange puff ball who sings incessantly!
This little guy will be lovingly tucked into an envelope and mailed out to all my new and current Patreon subscribers around the world. If you're a newer patron and haven't already read it, there's a poem I wrote about Mr. Moo in one of my earlier posts: https://www.patreon.com/posts/why-crowd-launch-51887261
As I mentioned over on Facebook last weekend, it’s no secret that it’s been really tricky to be a musician in the last few years. It was bad enough that streaming decimated our ability to make money from recordings; then the pandemic happened and our last great source of income - performances - dried up into a trickle. On top of that, social media algorithms make it hard for you to see posts from the artists you’re following. It’d be very easy to conclude that the deck is stacked against us.
When you’re on Patreon, you’re part of a global movement to support independent creators. I’m thinking about my Patreon every day, and I love that the things I make for Patreon are the things I want to make as an artist. I’m now offering 3x more content than when I first started - recordings, videos, and livestreams. It’s like a backstage pass to my music career! In time, I’d love to grow this to become a kind of record label, helping fund my projects and making creative decisions with your input.
Thanks to all of you who've joined me on this little adventure so far. I love knowing you're in my corner!
Other announcements:
Reminder that my next live-stream is happening on Saturday, February 19 - please send me your song requests if there's anything you'd like to play.
My show that was supposed to be happening in Amherstburg in March has been postponed until later this spring. Apologies to those who were hoping to attend - I'll keep you posted as we reschedule the date.
Just wanted to share that I had a song placement in a national television ad campaign! An instrumental version of my song "The Key" is in the background of a Dairy Queen Canada ad for their delicious and adorable heart-shaped ice cream cakes. I think I might have to get one, just to celebrate!
I've booked my next writing retreat day at Gertrude's for the last Sunday of this month. I'm excited to get back in there and work on more new material! And someone - I'm thinking it was one of you - reached out to the owner of Gertrude's to prepay for my next writing session. THANK YOU! You are an ANGEL!