"Why" selected at One Earth Awards film festival!
Crissi Cochrane
I’m thrilled to announce that my “Why” music video has officially been selected by the One Earth Awards film festival based out of India!
The festival is happening next month. I’m too pregnant to travel (haha, I’m too poor to travel), but I’m really honoured that the film will be there representing me, and representing animator Delaney Beaudoin who brought my vision to life.
I was just listening to the song again the other day, and it still brings me to tears. From throughout my entire career, it’s the recording that I’m the most proud of. It’s the emotional arc of the song. I feel like it really taps into the feelings I get from listening to dramatic recordings by Nina Simone. I was sitting on the front steps listening to the Soul City Music Co-op playlist one morning with my daughter, and just openly crying, and telling her how much I hope she gets to create something that she can be so proud of someday. (She’s quite a little artiste - always singing, dancing, and painting - in fact, she sings so much that I can almost always tell where she is just by listening for her singing.)
I’ll be doing a livestream this Friday night! Usually we stream on Saturdays, but Saturday is the last-ever show of The Family Soul, my husband’s band! The band was mainly a partnership between him and saxophonist Kelly Hoppe, who is going into semi-retirement. He’ll still be playing with the holiday charity band The S’Aints each Christmas, but other than the occasional just-for-fun gigs, he is rightly reclaiming his summer weekends to spend with his wife and friends however he likes!
So anyway - I’ll be streaming on Facebook at 9pm ET on Friday, May 20. Hope you can join me!
Photo by Dan Boshart, 27th Floor Photography, May 14, 2022
I had a great time playing at the Downtown Windsor Farmers Market last weekend, with my baby belly on full display. (Or at least I hope so - otherwise I just looked like I had a really weird body.) I spent almost all of my tips on goodies at the market, and then went home to frantically pack for the rest of the day so that we could go on our first-ever trip to Pelee Island. We were there from Sunday to Tuesday, and though it was short, it was wonderful! I’m sure we’ll talk lots about it on the stream on Friday!
You can catch me again at the market on June 11, and I’ll be playing my last ticketed event that evening at Phog, in a songwriters’ circle with a bunch of my Soul City Music Co-op labelmates. I’ll have tickets on sale for that soon, so stay tuned to my socials for more details.
That’s it! Thanks for reading!