Replay: My first live-stream of 2021
Crissi Cochrane
Last night, I had the great privilege and joy of being a part of Andrew MacLeod’s Online Open Mic/Scavenger Hunt. It was my first live-stream of 2021 and my second time being in the line-up of this wonderful and brilliant virtual event.
It’s crazy how fast a three-song-set goes. Before yesterday afternoon, I hadn’t picked up my guitar since my last stream on December 29, so I was a bit nervous, especially about the song “Why”, because there are a lot of subtle little things I like to remember to do. I was frankly just glad that I could play guitar at all, because last week I chose the wrong knife for cutting a pineapple, and I put a butcher’s knife through the fingernail of the index finger on my left (fretting) hand, and I couldn’t put any pressure on that finger at all for two whole days.
I was so happy to do this stream, and I was kind of floating on a cloud afterwards, partly because the line-up was just so amazing and I was honoured to be among such fantastic talent - and also because Andrew MacLeod said the nicest things in introducing me. I am going to embed that little clip here so that I can revisit it, the next time I’m feeling down on myself.
This all made me really excited about getting back into live-streaming soon. I have yet to firm up any actual scheduling just yet, partly because:
I worked so hard straight through the holidays that my heart and soul have unionized and are on strike and refusing to work again until I take some actual total time off
The devices that connect our studio audio to our iPhones (yes, iPhones; we did all of our live-streams on iPhones in 2020) are broken, and we now have to figure out streaming from my laptop, which means we need ethernet cable and also more coaxial cable because our modem is literally dangling from the ceiling of our basement and that is not right
So, last night’s stream was actually done on my laptop with WiFi, which is why the picture quality is absolute garbage. We’ll have that all sorted out very soon however, since our new cables are on their way.
And just while I have you here, I wanted to mention that Patreon is officially now available in Canadian dollars. So, if currency weirdness has been keeping you out of the Patreon game, know that it’s now a lot easier to know exactly what you’re signing up for each month. My tiers are priced at $5, $15, $25, and $50 per month, and each comes with some pretty sweet perks. I just released January’s “Unreleased Song of the Month”, and it’s my latest fully-produced custom love song.
Sign up for as little as $5/month at