REPLAY: Crissi Cochrane on Facebook Live, April 11, 2020
Crissi Cochrane
Tonight, I played my third live-streaming concert over on Facebook Live. Thanks to all who tuned in, shared, commented, tipped, and liked!
I’ve been getting into the rhythm of carving out time to practice for these gigs, in a way I didn’t do when I was playing public shows. I was often playing background music gigs that require little to no practice - which is convenient because I only have about 2-3 hours of child-free time in which to get work done. (Adeila will steal the guitar right out of my hands and then STAND on it, so it’s not possible to practice when she’s awake.) But these gigs have excellent, clear audio, and they remain up on Facebook long after the show is over, so this is both a challenge and a great opportunity to capture what I do, so long as I’m ready! Which means… practice!
I’m also trying not to play the same songs over and over, so that if you’ve been tuning in to each broadcast, you’re getting a good range of tunes. But that means playing songs that aren’t as easy or familiar. I think overall, things are still sounding really good, and I’m excited for some of the other themed broadcasts that we’re cooking up!
Here’s the replay for tonight’s show:
13:14 The Truest Thing
17:27 Someone Comes Along
23:18 Be Around
27:00 Look Away
32:55 Something Like Bliss
37:00 Midnight Wind
43:09 Settle Down
47:04 Heaven
53:09 Bless My Soul
57:09 Just Friends
1:03:36 Everything
1:08:18 Is This Love
I’m very excited for my next broadcast, which will consist of my very favourite custom love songs that I’ve written over the years. I’ve always wanted to do a show like this, and doing it online seems perfect: because I receive orders from around the world, I will finally get a chance to play these songs live for the people who requested them. Tune in from 9-10PM ET on the Soul City Music Co-op Facebook page on Thursday, April 16 to catch the show!
Custom love songs are 15% off until the Great Pause ends! Order yours now >
The weather here’s been getting nicer, so I’ve finally started thinking about our outdoor space again. I’m absurdly grateful for our backyard, because I feel like I’m increasingly becoming agoraphobic and germaphobic, and the yard is fenced in, gated, and locked, so there is nobody back there except us (and the wild things).
I’m hoping to make a little vegetable garden grow, so long as I can find things that tolerate a good deal of shade, since we have a massive hundred-year oak at the back of our property that shades almost all of our flower bed. I’ve historically been TERRIBLE at keeping plants alive, but, guys, I’m REALLY going to try this year, so we can have fresh produce with more frequency than our bi-weekly grocery trips allow.
We’ve been accustomed to shopping for groceries weekly - and getting food from cafes and drive-throughs pretty often - so it’s been a challenge to stretch our groceries to last two weeks. I’ve been very creative in the kitchen to ensure that nothing goes to waste. So far, the most delicious save came from our very old pitas being chopped, tossed in olive oil and salt, and baked. I’ve been making pies and breads from scratch, and generally eating more mindfully because there’s nothing left to binge on.
Outside the kitchen, I’m pretty pleased with the other things I’ve been able to reuse or do without - my false eyelashes get used several times over; I scrubbed our disposable oven liner clean instead of just throwing it away and replacing it; I’m using homemade dishwasher soap since we’ve run out of the boxed kind; we’re finally using up all the old bars of soap we’ve been gifted over the years; lately, I’m unravelling old dishcloths to re-make them in nicer patterns (and repair holes).
Oh, and I had a nice 31st birthday last Monday. There were some little moments of great happiness: we picked up the test copies of Heirloom on vinyl, and Adeila was dancing and singing along. I mistakenly thought it was Easter last weekend (and didn’t realize we were wrong until two days ago - guess I’ve been tuning out on social media lately), so we started my birthday with an easter egg hunt in the living room. There was a pretty painted rock left in our flower bed beside the sidewalk, all pink with the word “Smile” on top. And the hyacinths I murdered last year decided to show their pretty heads, surprising me with little blue bursts beside our porch. I made myself a decent cake - using hot chocolate mix in my icing, since I’d run out of cocoa - and Mike and Adeila drew me a lovely card.
I hope you are finding little moments of great happiness in your day as we start to get into the swing - or lack thereof - of the Great Pause.